Category overviewProducts
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Other categories within Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine
Products Otology
- Dissector, curette
- Instrument guide
- Mallet
- Chisel, osteotome
- Knife, scalpel
- Measuring instrument
- Needle
- Ear diagnostics
- Ear speculum
- HOPKINS® telescope
- Otoscope
- Ventilation tube
- Perforator
- Forceps
- Dissecting instrumentation
- Raspatory, elevator
- Suction/irrigation instrument
- Scissors
- Snare
- Guiding fork, hook, probe
- Endaural ear speculum
- Mirror
- Punch
- Gauze applicator, cotton applicator
- Retractor
- Forceps, nasal cutting forceps
- Atomizer
- Rack, container
- Open overview
Products Sialendoscopy
Products for paranasal sinuses
Products for rhinology and rhinoplasty
- Ala guide, Ala hook
- Probe
- Skin measurement caliper, nasal tip marker
- Clamp
- Chisel, osteotome
- Knife
- Needle holder
- Nasal splint, nasal mirror
- Forceps
- Dissecting instrumentation
- Raspatory, elevator
- Rasp, saw
- Suction tube
- Scissors
- Loops, snares
- Nasal speculum
- Cotton carrier, cotton applicator
- Retractor
- Forceps, nasal cutting forceps
- Atomizer
- Open overview
Energy and laser
Motor system