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KARL STORZ establishes new production building in Estonia


Tallinn (Estonia) / Tuttlingen (Germany), September 23rd, 2016: The family-owned company KARL STORZ – manufacturer of endoscopes and medical equipment and headquartered in Germany – produces its innovative and quality products in highly specialized entities in Germany, Switzerland, USA, and, since 2004, also in Tallinn (Estonia).

Managing Director Dr. h. c. mult. Sybill Storz points out: “The expansion of the Estonia subsidiary not only stands for local growth but this investment also has a positive effect on the KARL STORZ group as a whole as we always strive to improve our performance towards customers.”

Within the KARL STORZ group, KARL STORZ Video Endoscopy Estonia OÜ is one specialized production facility for video endoscopes, their components and endoscope repair. Thanks to a positive growth trend, the KARL STORZ management decided to enlarge the Tallinn location. Within 3 years a new and multi-functional production building with 9,300 m2 gross floor area has been established in which 170 employees are now at work. The new building is located 15 km from Tallinn Airport and Tallinn City Center, and 1 km south-west from the Tallinn City boundary.

The building concept is highly flexible, which means all office and manufacturing areas have the same infrastructure to enable cross-usage of this facility. With respect to resource-saving construction and maintenance of the building, a system was installed to use the heat emitted by ovens and machines for the heating process of the building. The concept of the building enables the extension of the gross floor area and cleanroom readiness to meet future requirements.

Karl-Christian Storz – Member of the Board – explains the benefit of the new building as follows: “We have realized a location that offers modern and motivating work places in order to realize high quality medical products. We have created an adjustable environment for implementing best performing manufacturing processes. With the new facility – together with perfectly trained people – we are happy that the Estonia subsidiary makes an important contribution to the high quality portfolio of the KARL STORZ group which medical users from all over the world can rely on.”