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TELE PACK+ VET can be used with all types of endoscopes

Rigid Telescopes & Video Otoscopes

TELE PACK+ VET is compatible with all KARL STORZ rigid telescopes, delivering bright, crystal-clear HD images for diverse application – including video otoscopy, rhinoscopy, laparoscopy, urology, equine dental, avian and exotic endoscopy.

Video Gastroscopes

With an integrated air pump, the TELE PACK+ VET makes performing upper and lower gastrointestinal exams in small and large animals seamless.

Small Diameter Flexible Endoscopes

TELE PACK+ VET is compatible with our wide range of small diameter flexible endoscopes, both reusable and single use, for diagnosing and treating airway and endourological disorders in small animals, as well as various procedures in avian and exotic animals and sinus conditions in horses.

Want More Information?

To schedule an in-clinic demonstration or for any questions please use the inquiry form below or contact your local KARL STORZ representative.