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Continuity in company management with the third generation: Karl-Christian Storz takes over management


Tuttlingen, 01.10.2018: The family-run company KARL STORZ announced today that Karl-Christian Storz will become the sole Managing Director of the KARL STORZ SE & Co. KG. starting January 01, 2019. Dr. h. c. mult. Sybill Storz will focus on her role as Chair of the Supervisory Board from January 2019 and will actively support the company with this position.

“We have thoroughly prepared this step for over a year now by adapting our company structure and the responsibilities for various fields in order to meet future challenges. We have thus jointly worked on a controlled and planned transfer of responsibility to the next generation so that employees, customers and partners can continue to trust in the stability and innovativeness of KARL STORZ. I am very happy that my son Karl-Christian has actively brought his expertise and energy into the company for more than 20 years and has already set a course for the global alignment of our company group. With these prerequisites, he is ideally prepared to take on this new responsibility”, said Dr. h. c. mult. Sybill Storz.

With the transfer of management to the third generation of the Storz family, the company emphasizes its sustainable strategy to remain an independent and family-run leader in the global medical technology market.

“I am grateful that my mother leaves a well-ordered organization for me to take over and, together with great employees, I will lead the company into the future. In this respect, it is particularly important to me that we are conscious of our long-lasting tradition of over 70 years. Based on this stable foundation and success factor, we will in future continue to work with passion, experience, quality and innovative strength on solutions that our customers can rely on in order to achieve the best possible patient outcomes. We are open to, and prepared for, the dynamics of markets and will continue to adapt our business strategy where necessary in order to meet new market demands”, said Karl-Christian Storz.