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NMBU - School of Veterinary Science, Oslo

Operationsraum für Pferde
Operationsraum für Pferde
Operationsraum für Schweine und Kühe
Operationsraum für Schweine und Kühe

Daten & Fakten


  • 10 Operationssäle
  • 8 Untersuchungsräume
  • 3 Autopsieräume


  • OR1 NEO®
  • OR1 AIR®
  • AIDA®

Weitere Informationen

  • Eröffnung 2021


Francisca Corral, DVM, Assistenzprofessorin
Francisca Corral, DVM, Assistenzprofessorin

“KARL STORZ was chosen to deliver a brand-new AV system for diagnostics and operating theaters. […] The new AV systems could not have come to us at a better time […]. Without access to this technology, we would not have been able to remotely educate our veterinary students in the practical subject of surgery. In the surgery department, the new AV system has made an enormous change, and it cannot be compared to our previous situation.

We can now transfer diagnostic images from the operating theater, such as fluoroscopy or intraoperative images, directly to PACS and the patient’s journal. We can also live stream surgeries showing both the surgery field, arthroscope/endoscope, the OR room and radiology images directly to students sitting at home and to lecture halls in the hospital. There is audio going both ways since there are incorporated microphones and speakers in the OR rooms, making the communication also audio-interactive with students or colleagues […]. We can record, edit and save video or images of our surgeries for later use, education and for documentation, directly into the patient file. Within the operating theater we have big screens that are integrated to the AV system facilitating our surgeries by being able to look up diagnostic images, for example radiographs or CT scans during orthopedic surgeries."