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Brazil – São Paulo



Torre Diamond

Av. Dr Chucri Zaidan, 1240 – 12And

CEP: 04711-130 São Paulo-SP


Information on the marketing subsidiary

Established in 2009, the KARL STORZ marketing company in Sao Paulo, Brazil, is based in the largest South American country, which is also one of its most important business locations and one of the largest health care markets. It provides marketing and sales support for the entire region.

To supplement the existing activities of sales partners (dealers) in the individual countries, the KARL STORZ subsidiary supports customer consultation as well as customer service.

In its showroom, KARL STORZ Marketing América do Sul has a fully integrated OR1 and a comprehensive selection of products for demonstration and training purposes. An interdisciplinary training center with seven workplaces allows training customers, technicians, and sales staff on site and conducting continued education in collaboration with teaching facilities.

In Brazil, KARL STORZ offers quality endoscopy products for use in human medicine as well as in veterinary medicine.