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Evangelisches Waldkrankenhaus Spandau, Berlin

Pannellum 2.5.6
Explore OR1 in 360° | Ev. Waldkrankenhaus Spandau

Facts & Figures


  • 5 operating rooms


  • OR1 NEO®
  • InWall Solution
  • ADAPTOR1® 
  • AIDA® 
  • Image1 S Rubina®
  • KARL STORZ Equipment Cart


Further information

  • 518 beds
  • ~22,000 inpatients per year
  • ~70,000 outpatients per year
  • Academic teaching hospital of the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Customer voice

Prof. Dr. med. Rudolf Ott, Chief Physician for General, Vascular and Visceral Surgery
Prof. Dr. med. Rudolf Ott, Chief Physician for General, Vascular and Visceral Surgery

"The main advantages are standardization; better image quality; additional functions such as ICG and 3D; image documentation not only during minimally invasive surgery but also via the OR light camera; transmission to lecture halls and decision-makers; patient involvement by showing or giving them visual materials and by better integrating them into the entire treatment process.

I can honestly say that we are not only satisfied with this solution but simply impressed." 

Dr. med. Sonja Cárdenas Ovalle, Specialist for Gynecology and Obstetrics
Dr. med. Sonja Cárdenas Ovalle, Specialist for Gynecology and Obstetrics

"After surgery, patients are of course interested in how their surgical procedures went. We, as physicians, usually sit down and select various images and videos. We consider which ones we want to use and which ones are suitable for presentation. Right after, we can digitally show the images to our patients during our visits. And that is, of course, a great advantage.

Furthermore, we can also use images and videos for presentations at events and for training our students." 

Ilka Rothe, OR Surgical Nurse
Ilka Rothe, OR Surgical Nurse

"We use the integrated system as follows: The registered patient is selected via the worklist in the documentation. This saves time and eliminates manual input, which has always been a potential source of error. The user interface is very user-friendly as it is very intuitive and, thanks to the touch function, can be used like a mobile phone.

The swipe function is also worth mentioning. Swiping up from the bottom edge of the screen allows us to switch between applications more quickly. We can access documentation as well as routing functions, so everything works much faster." 

Jana Baumert, OR Surgical Nurse
Jana Baumert, OR Surgical Nurse

"The viewing and control monitor centrally installed in the wall provides fast access to patient data via the hospital information system. This makes it easy to follow or support the surgical procedure, even from the unsterile area. For example, it is possible to observe vital signs and to view X-rays or laparoscopic images at the same time. Settings can be selected according to individual requirements.

The system has a universal plug through which all devices instantly appear on the large control and viewing monitor thanks to its plug-and-play feature." 
