For this field of application, please use interference screws for tibial fixation.
For this purpose, interference screws made of different high-quality materials with coordinated instruments are available to you.
All bioresorbable screws from the MEGA FIX® B and C product families are made of amorphous stereocopolymer poly-(L-co-D, L-lactide) (PLDLLA). This material exhibits good degeneration and resorption behavior as well as good biocompatibility.
The bioinert POWERFIX® PEEK interference screws, made from PEEK OPTIMA®, provide strong mechanical fixation. The special screw design features a two-thread pattern and the availability of both clockwise and reverse femoral interference screws.
A system for harvesting the quadriceps tendon is also used. The QUADRICUT® consists of a handle, a tendon knife, a tendon separator and a tendon cutter.