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VAAFT / Anal fistula treatment

VAAFT – Video-assisted Anal Fistula Treatment

The instrument set can also be used for the treatment of the pilonidal sinus (EPSiT technique).

The VAAFT technique is suitable for the surgical treatment of complex anal fistulas as well as recurrences. VAAFT – Video Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment – proceeds in two phases. The purpose of the first – diagnostic – phase is to inspect the fistula pathway and to locate the internal fistula opening. The goal of the second – therapeutic – phase is the complete destruction of the fistula epithelium. Both phases are performed under direct endoscopic control.

  • Exact localization of the internal fistula opening1 under visual control
  • Complete elimination of the fistula from the inside1
  • Minimal postoperative trauma1
  • Significant time-saving and cost-saving potential1
  • Fully autoclavable
1 Video-assisted anal fistula treatment (VAAFT): A novel sphincter-saving procedure for treating complex anal fistulas. Meinero et. al. 2011

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