For this field of application, please use extracortical buttons and interference screws for tibial and femoral fixation.
All bioresorbable screws from the MEGA FIX® B and C product families are made of amorphous stereocopolymer poly-(L-co-D, L-lactide) (PLDLLA). This material exhibits good degeneration and resorption behavior as well as good biocompatibility.
The bioinert POWERFIX® PEEK interference screws, made from PEEK OPTIMA®, provide strong mechanical fixation. The special screw design features a two-thread pattern and the availability of both clockwise and reverse femoral interference screws.
After the so-called FLIPP procedure, the FLIPPTACK is positioned extracortically and subcutaneously and thus ensures long-term stable fixation by remaining in the body.
The system consists of a tendon board, a FLlPPTACK retainer and a FLIPPTACK fixation button.
The ENDOTACKS allow secure fixation without tilting the buttons.
Transplant tension is defined by testing with the tensiometer and is corrected by rotating the fixation buttons with the button wrench.