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Item no: 26003EC



Product details

Telescope with variable direction of view

The ENDOCAMELEON® provides surgeons with a great deal of flexibility and overcomes the limitations that are traditionally associated with rigid telescopes. The viewing direction of the ENDOCAMELEON® can be variably adjusted between 0° and 90°. This allows visualization of areas that are difficult to access with standard telescopes. Ergonomics and handling are the same as a conventional KARL STORZ HOPKINS® telescope.
The ENDOCAMELEON® technology does not require extra intracorporal space due to the external moving parts. Image alignment merely requires turning the control wheel. As the ENDOCAMELEON® is equipped with a standard eyepiece, the variable direction of view benefits all standard camera systems.
Thanks to the HOPKINS® rod lens system, ENDOCAMELEON® also offers image quality that enables a useful application of three-chip cameras or HD camera systems.

  • Variable direction of view 0°-90°
  • Combines the familiar handling of the HOPKINS® telescope with the advantages and potential of a telescope offering various directions of view
  • Adjustment knob for selecting the direction of view
  • Rigid sheath with a diameter of 10 mm
  • Enhanced illumination *
  • Particularly well suited for anatomically tight cavities/spaces
  • Recommended in combination with IMAGE1 S™ (CLARA and CHROMA modes)
(* in comparison with previous models)
  • Technical details
  • Documents & Films
  • Product group / field of application
Outer diameter10 mm
Working length31 cm
Direction of viewVariable, 0° – 90°
Light transmission mediumFiber optic light transmission
Adjustability of direction of viewVia a control wheel
For trocar sizes11 mm
Color codeGold