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Hysteroscopy for the diagnosis and therapy of intrauterine disorders is a standard procedure in clinics and is increasingly used in outpatient settings and private practices. KARL STORZ has played a major role in developing the miniaturization of hysteroscopes. The product range includes hysteroscopes, resectoscopes and shaver systems for use inside and outside the operating room.

Many gynecological procedures today can be performed using laparoscopic surgical techniques. Our product range is constantly being expanded not only for standard procedures such as myoma enucleation or hysterectomies, but for niches such as the creation of a laparoscopic-assisted neovagina.

Along with a product line for standard gynecological procedures using hysteroscopic and/or laparoscopic techniques, the KARL STORZ portfolio also includes endoscopes and instruments for reproductive surgery and fetoscopy. Instruments for colposcopy, breast surgery and numerous training options complete our gynecology product range.