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Argentina – Buenos Aires


KARL STORZ Endoscopia Argentina S.A.

Zufriategui 627 6° Piso

B1638 CAA – Vicente Lopez Provincia de Buenos Aires

+54 11 47182773

Information on the sales subsidiary

This KARL STORZ subsidiary at the Rio de la Plata was established as a sales company in 1994, and it supports the comprehensive KARL STORZ endoscopy product range.

KARL STORZ Endoscopia Argentina provides consultation, sales, and service. In addition to exhibiting at national and regional congresses of the various specialties, the Argentinian subsidiary organizes numerous workshops every year with leading national and international presenters and institutions to familiarize specialists with the newest endoscopic techniques.

Veterinarians at practices and animal clinics, who also benefit from the advantages of the KARL STORZ endoscopy portfolio, are supported by the Argentinian subsidiary as well.