Secondary Prevention of Cervical Cancer

Border – Normal

Acetowhite lesions showing no clear border are a normal colposcopic finding.

Acetowhite lesions showing no clear border are a normal colposcopic finding.

The delineation of lesion margins from normal squamous epithelium is another useful graduating sign at colposcopy. Colposcopic findings in a 26-year-old gravida 0 who had not been vaccinated against HPV. The smear was reported as class IIID1. High risk HPV DNA and RNA were detected. Colposcopy shows a bright acetowhite lesion between 12 and 2 o’clock in an atypical T-zone type 1. It is not sharply demarcated from adjacent squamous epithelium and is classified as normal colposcopic finding.

Metaplastic and squamous epithelium merge with each other.

Metaplastic and squamous epithelium merge with each other.

H&E stain of tissue sampled at 12 o’clock by punch biopsy shows normal and metaplastic squamous epithelium at the biopsy site. These findings are interpreted as normal.