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Press Releases Medica 2016


Future has tradition

The future has tradition. That is the motto of the KARL STORZ exhibit at this year‘s MEDICA. Offering technical expertise and qualified advice, we are looking forward to presenting exciting product innovations to our visitors, and we invite you to an exchange of experiences on future trends in endoscopy, microsurgery, and the integrated operating room.

The following key topics will be presented at the KARL STORZ booth:

  • Expertise in imaging: Modular camera system IMAGE1 S – 3D video endoscopes as well as the VITOM® 3D for microsurgical procedures – Fluorescence imaging
  • Variety and added functional value with the newest generation of KARL STORZ devices
  • Navigation systems from KARL STORZ – quality meets economy
  • KARL STORZ OR1 FUSION® – the integrated operating room and the data management software solution SCENARA

We will be happy to present these and much more to you at our booth.