
中国 丹麦 乌克兰 乌兹别克斯坦 乌拉圭 也门 亚美尼亚 伊拉克 伊朗 俄罗斯 保加利亚 克罗地亚 冰岛 利比亚 加拿大 匈牙利 南非 卡塔尔 卢森堡 印度 印度尼西亚 厄瓜多尔 叙利亚 哈萨克斯坦 哥伦比亚 土耳其 埃及 塞尔维亚 塞浦路斯 墨西哥 多米尼加共和国 大韩民国 奥地利 委内瑞拉 孟加拉国 尼日利亚 巴基斯坦 巴拉圭 巴林 巴西 希腊 德国 意大利 拉脱维亚 挪威 捷克共和国 摩洛哥 斯洛伐克 斯洛文尼亚 新加坡 智利 格鲁吉亚 比利时 沙特阿拉伯 法国 波兰 泰国 澳大利亚 爱尔兰 爱沙尼亚 玻利维亚 瑞典 瑞士 白俄罗斯 科威特 秘鲁 突尼斯 立陶宛 约旦 纽西兰 罗马尼亚 美利坚合众国 肯尼亚 芬兰 英国 荷兰 菲律宾 葡萄牙 蒙古 西班牙 越南 阿塞拜疆 阿尔及利亚 阿拉伯联合酋长国 阿曼 阿根廷 马来西亚 马耳他 黎巴嫩

One of the most modern hospitals in Southeast Asia – KARL STORZ installs three operating theatres at Thanh Nhan Hospital in Hanoi, Vietnam


Hybrid operating room at Thanh Nhan Hospital in Hanoi, Vietnam
Hybrid operating room at Thanh Nhan Hospital in Hanoi, Vietnam

Tuttlingen, 2/28/2020: The Thanh Nhan Hospital is a public clinic located in Hanoi, Vietnam. With its 780 beds and 13,000 surgeries a year, the hospital has a major importance for the city and the surrounding area. In order to meet the European standards in cardiovascular surgery, neurology, arthroscopy and gastroenterology, the hospital updated its operating theatres in June 2019, and has become one of the most modern hospitals in Southeast Asia.

When the planning of the renovation work started at the beginning of 2018, the product requirements were clearly defined: “Thanh Nhan Hospital was looking for a reliable and reputed expert in OR integration with the ability to provide a 12G-SDI based technology with audio/video management, documentation, communication and safety features. At the same time, the hospital requested an upgradable and modular solution which would allow flexible configuration of individual functions in the system”, said Anna Fritz, Country Manager at KARL STORZ Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar. “Since Thanh Nhan Hospital also planned to install a hybrid operating room, it was of great importance to them that the new system could seamlessly integrate its hospital PC and thus display x-ray and other images on every connected monitor. We are therefore very pleased that KARL STORZ was given the opportunity to implement everything according to the hospital’s request.”

All operating theatres are now equipped with the OR1 NEO® integration system. Medical and non-medical devices inside the operating room can be centrally controlled from the movable touch screen with its intuitive user interface. The LEDVISION® OR lights ensure optimal illumination of the surgical field, while the 4K 3D monitors display excellent image information for endoscopic and open surgery procedures. The ORBITER® ceiling pendant system offers space for medical equipment without creating a footprint. The hybrid operating room is additionally equipped with the mobile CT arm ARTIS pheno, which has been installed in cooperation with Siemens, and the space saving InWall Solution from KARL STORZ.