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Hyperspectral Imaging – Technology Partnership between KARL STORZ and Diaspective Vision


Tuttlingen, 6/12/2019: On the occasion of this year’s EAES congress in Sevilla (27th International European Association of Endoscopic Surgery Congress, 12 – 15 June 2019), the endoscopy specialist KARL STORZ is announcing the expansion of its portfolio to include hyperspectral imaging. For this purpose, KARL STORZ is cooperating with the company Diaspective Vision GmbH from Pepelow in the German state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Since 2015, Diaspective Vision has been specializing in the advancement of multispectral, spectrometer-based, and hyperspectral components and systems for applications in medical technology and the life sciences.

Diaspective Vision develops camera systems for hyperspectral imaging that can be used, for instance, to measure perfusion, detect tumors, or support intraoperative imaging. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is a noninvasive imaging method that does not require contrast agents, making it the perfect addition to the existing KARL STORZ imaging systems.

“We are happy to cooperate with an innovative and highly specialized partner like Diaspective Vision. We believe that this type of imaging is a relevant addition to endoscopic imaging since it offers surgeons important additional intraoperative information that can specifically improve diagnosis and treatment in various fields of application”, said Dr. Knut Siercks, Global Vice President of Global Innovation Management at KARL STORZ.

Existing HSI systems will be added to the KARL STORZ portfolio, and Diaspective Vision is looking forward to the joint development of future products as well. “By partnering with KARL STORZ, we have laid the perfect foundation for combining the vast experience of KARL STORZ as a pioneer in endoscopy with our specialized knowledge of hyperspectral imaging. This is a win-win situation for both companies in our effort to continue establishing the field of hyperspectral imaging to optimize patient care”, explains Dr. Axel Kulcke, CEO of Diaspective Vision.

Since the company was founded over 70 years ago, KARL STORZ SE & Co. KG (Tuttlingen, Germany) has developed into a globally active medical technology company with over 8000 employees; the company is an innovative trendsetter in endoscopy and offers physicians worldwide solutions for excellent imaging. Throughout its history, the company has focused on supplying functional and ergonomic devices to meet medical needs as well as using technology for the benefit of patients. At EUR 1.75 billion in sales (2018), the family company is on a steady course of growth and will continue to combine quality and progress to offer customers the best solutions to medical issues.

About Diaspective Vision:
Based in the German state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Diaspective Vision GmbH is an innovative medical technology company that was founded in 2015 to establish hyperspectral imaging technology in medicine.