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Clínica Ortega in Peru: Always one step ahead with KARL STORZ


Dr. Félix Ortega Álvarez, Managing Director of the Ortega Clinic, introducing the new integrated 3D operating room.
Dr. Félix Ortega Álvarez, Managing Director of the Ortega Clinic, introducing the new integrated 3D operating room.

Tuttlingen, 10.10.2017: The Ortega Clinic in Huancayo, Peru, is the first hospital in South America equipped with an integrated KARL STORZ 3D operating room (OR), which was inaugurated in June 2017. State-of-the-art OR equipment provided by KARL STORZ serves to ensure high quality treatment of patients through ideal technology, workflow and process support.

This integrated KARL STORZ OR1 configuration not only provides 3D imaging, but also improves the organization of the procedure and the overall workflow in the OR by optimizing the ergonomics in this workplace. It allows central control through a touch screen and manages medical devices, image sources, clinical data including imaging (Rx, TC, RMN) and patient information by connecting to the hospital information system. For maximum flexibility, the touch screen can be accessed by all staff members.

“KARL STORZ is very proud to be the partner of choice to this hospital, helping to increase the efficiency of clinical processes and to improve patient care every day”, says Rainer Zagst, Director Marketing OR1 at KARL STORZ.

Maximum flexibility: Control of medical devices, image sources and clinical data through a touch screen.
Maximum flexibility: Control of medical devices, image sources and clinical data through a touch screen.

About the Ortega Clinic: Since its founding in May 1972, the Ortega Clinic has been the largest private health institution in the central region of Peru. In 1972, the first two floors were inaugurated with a staff of only three doctors. The first 15 years of operation marked the difference in the quality of patient care. Since the 1990s, the clinic has entered the modern era of medicine, being the first institution to practice laparoscopic surgery in the areas of general surgery, urology and gynecology. Currently, the clinic has a staff of more than 40 doctors of all specialties, 50 hospitalization beds, three operating rooms, an intensive care unit, a modern laboratory that has ISO 9001 certification, and magnetic resonance imaging capability, among others.