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Bladder Cancer technology: New KARL STORZ Blue Light Cystoscopy system featured during E-Masterclass in Urology


Joint press release | September 8, 2022 – Oslo, Norway, September 8th, 2022: Photocure ASA, The Bladder Cancer Company, is delighted to continue supporting the global launch activities of the new and improved Blue Light Cystoscopy (BLC®) system to be used with Photocure’s product Hexvix® for the detection of bladder cancer. In Europe, the photodynamic diagnostics (PDD) system based on the new light source POWER LED SAPHIRA from KARL STORZ was featured for the first time in an E-Masterclass Webinar, hosted by both companies on September 6. This event was accompanied by the leading experts in Urology in the field of Bladder Cancer.

Together with the experts from KARL STORZ and Photocure, Prof. Arnulf Stenzl, Prof. Lukas Lusuardi, Dr. Param Mariappan and Prof. Morgan Rouprêt showcased the new next-generation Blue Light system to the E-Masterclass participants. Over 400 registered delegates could see how the “IMAGE1 S SAPHIRA” system improves visualization of bladder cancer via practical case studies. Manufactured and commercialized by KARL STORZ, the new Blue Light system is the next generation, improving the Blue Light experience and providing next-level visualization.

“In the last months, I have had the opportunity to use the new Saphira light source, which really ameliorates the quality of the procedure significantly.” said Prof. Lukas Lusuardi, Professor of the Department of Urology at Paracelsus Medical University (PMU) Hospital Salzburg, Austria. “The quality of vision was exceptional – even in white light. With PDD and the new POWER LED Saphira, I was very comfortable to make the resection and TURBT under blue light, which was not the case before, I have to say. So especially with the bipolar resection, I feel quite comfortable to perform the resection under the blue light, just to be sure in the best possible way.”, added Prof. Morgan Rouprêt, full Professor (academic position) at APHP Sorbonne University, in the Academic Urology Department of the Pitié-Salpétrière Hospital, in Paris, France.

“We are proud to be part of the ongoing launch of this exciting new high-definition system in Europe,” commented Dr. Susanne Strauss, Vice President and General Manager, Europe at Photocure. “Photodynamic diagnostics (PDD) is an important cornerstone of accurate diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer. This advancement in KARL STORZ’s equipment will provide a better Blue Light experience for our customers, as the overwhelmingly positive feedback from the e-masterclass clearly shows,” Susanne Strauss concluded.

“PDD started in Germany, with the full commitment of KARL STORZ, and so it is a pleasure for us to introduce the new IMAGE1 S SAPHIRA system in the E-Masterclass on NMIBC with PDD,” said Paolo Cantù, Director Urology Global Marketing at KARL STORZ. “The new light source POWER LED SAPHIRA will allow us to serve the needs of our healthcare partners, providing high image quality in white light as well as in blue light for the detection and treatment of bladder cancer. Together with the Photocure team we now make high-quality BLC available to more patients worldwide”.

For more information, please contact:

Anja Ebert
Senior Director Corporate Communications


For Photocure:
Geir Bjørlo
Corporate Communications (Norway)