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Press Releases MEDICA 2017


One name – all solutions

One name – all solutions. This year, KARL STORZ once again welcomes interested people from all over the world at MEDICA 2017. Offering technical and consulting expertise, our company is looking forward to presenting a wide range of new products and innovations to an expert audience. The following are some of the focus areas presented at the KARL STORZ booth:

  • KARL STORZ MTP Single-Use Products for ENT, Anesthesiology and Urology
  • Imaging expertise: the modular camera platform IMAGE1 S – VITOM® 3D for microsurgical procedures – OPAL1® technologies for fluorescence imaging
  • The newest KARL STORZ device generations – offering diversity and additional functional value
  • Navigation systems from KARL STORZ – „Multi-Path Planning“ with intraoperative visualization
  • Process solutions for the integrated operating room OR1

We will be happy to present these and much more to you at our booth.