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What We Share – Passion for Medical Technology

What We Share – Passion for Medical Technology. This year, the endoscopy specialist KARL STORZ is once again presenting its innovative product solutions at the leading trade fair for medical technology. As the world’s largest medical trade fair, MEDICA is the meeting point for international health professionals as well as manufacturers and offers a platform for exchange on important trends and technologies in the industry. At the KARL STORZ booth, visitors can discover the company’s wide range of new products and experience them live on any of the four days of the trade fair. Among other things, KARL STORZ is presenting the following highlights:

  • Universally usable – the TELE PACK + compact endoscopy system
  • New imaging technologies – IMAGE1 S RUBINA
  • Improved ergonomics and efficient workflows in the daily OR routine – the ARTIP CRUISE motorized holding arm
  • OR integration simply done with the OR1 AIR and OR1 NEO® integration solutions
  • Digitalization of OR processes and services – OR1 software modules and apps


For details, please visit the KARL STORZ booth:

Trade fair Düsseldorf, HALL 10, BOOTH D22