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Estonian president visits KARL STORZ subsidiary in Tallinn


The functioning and use of the endoscopes were demonstrated to the President of the Republic, Kersti Kaljulaid, on various models.
The functioning and use of the endoscopes were demonstrated to the President of the Republic, Kersti Kaljulaid, on various models.

Tuttlingen, 31.05.2021: On May 18, the KARL STORZ production site in Tallinn received a high level visit from the President of the Republic of Estonia, Kersti Kaljulaid. At the specialized production facility, which has been active in the field of video endoscopy for almost 30 years, the president was able to gain impressions of the high-tech products and their large variety of applications.

During the visit, Tõnis Pilvisto, General Manager of KARL STORZ Video Endoscopy Estonia OÜ, and other employees presented the specialized product portfolio to the President, as well as providing an overview of the site's quality management system and human resources policy. The participants also exchanged views on how KARL STORZ is working with hospitals around the world in the fight against COVID-19 and how products from the Airway Management division are being used in the Corona pandemic.

During the subsequent tour of the production facility, the President was given an insight into the construction of endoscopes and the assembly of microcomponents, which illustrate the site's technical expertise in the fields of precision mechanics, optics as well as microelectronics. The functionality and use of the flexible and rigid video endoscopes were also illustrated on various medical training models.

Since 2004, KARL STORZ has maintained production facilities in Germany, Switzerland, and the USA as well as a development and production site in Estonia, which specializes in video endoscopes, their components and endoscope repair.