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Press Kit MEDICA 2018


The fascination of progress

The fascination of progress. This year, KARL STORZ is once again presenting innovative highlights and new products at the world’s leading trade fair for medicine and medical technology. On the basis of over 70 years of expertise in optics, mechanics, electronics, and software, the company is pleased to present to the international professional audience a wide range of innovations and future trends. The following are some of the focus areas presented at the KARL STORZ booth:

  • Quality meets availability – the latest MTP single-use video endoscopes
  • Ultrahigh resolution – surgery and documentation in 4K
  • Safety through planning – patient-specific 3D models for preoperative planning
  • Functionality and diversity – cutting-edge high frequency, laser, motor, and navigation systems
  • Ergonomics and efficiency in the daily OR routine – universal holding and assistance systems

We will be happy to present these and much more to you at our booth:

Trade fair Düsseldorf, HALL 10, BOOTH D22