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KARL STORZ is partner of an EU-funded project


The collaborative project AMIE is supported by European Union funding.
The collaborative project AMIE is supported by European Union funding.

With the conversion and restoration of the former Empress Augusta Hospital, which was completed in 2013, the family-run company KARL STORZ has strengthened its presence in Berlin. In addition to the KARL STORZ visitor and training center, the Berlin facility houses various development departments, which pursue innovative development projects and act as a bridgehead to the numerous research institutes located in Berlin.

One of the current cooperation projects in Berlin is entitled AMIE. This project aims to implement innovative concepts and technologies in minimally invasive surgery. Instruments are developed to support surgical procedures and to thereby improve user ergonomics as well as the clinical results of interventions.

The research project is conducted in cooperation with the Technical University of Berlin, supported by the Pro FIT funding program, and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). (Funding period: 01 April 2015 to 30 September 2016).