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Hybrid OR installation with state-of-the-art room technology in Taichung City, Taiwan


Hybrid OR installation at Tungs’ Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital in Taiwan
Hybrid OR installation at Tungs’ Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital in Taiwan

Tuttlingen, 30.11.2018: Since the first hybrid operating room installation at Cheng Hsin General Hospital in 2009 by KARL STORZ and SIEMENS, hybrid ORs have been a trend in clinical development in Taiwan. As an important medical center covering acute and critical care on the central-western coast of Taiwan, Tungs’ Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital had no reservations in establishing one of the most advanced hybrid ORs in Taiwan.

This ambitious project started in early 2017, involving the redesign and complete renovation of the hospital’s operating room area to set up a hybrid OR, a room for robotic surgery, one for minimally invasive surgery and ORs for acute and critical care. The KARL STORZ proposal was chosen in April 2018 due to the superior solutions and professional support offered, as well as the long standing reputation of KARL STORZ in OR integration.

Tungs’ Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital decided in favor of the new installation to be in a position to provide pre-procedural planning, intraoperative guidance, and immediate assessment of patients. The high quality images help to achieve accurate surgery with timely evaluation after the procedure. Additionally, an embedded documentation system enables a gapless and easy documentation flow; and communication options offer teaching and consulting possibilities remotely.

Dr. Tung, Executive Vice Superintendent, Head of Surgery, affirmed the improvements in patient care realized by having this new OR solution. Thanks to the integration of medical imaging and the operating room, transportation of patients is not necessary anymore. This saves time in critical situations, reduces anesthesia time and the risk of infection.