Our company headquarters welcomes customers, partners, and visitors from throughout the world with an impressive entrance – a tall, transparent, and spacious glass and steel structure shaped like an optical lens. In addition to a modern 14,000 m² office wing, our headquarters also houses the KARL STORZ training center, where we hold user training events for OR staff and product training for KARL STORZ staff and partners.

"Thanks to our motivated staff, we have continuously expanded our expertise in development, production, sales and marketing as well as logistics in Tuttlingen county in the past 70 years. To meet global challenges, we have created an ideal system of short pathways and close integration in Tuttlingen and Neuhausen ob Eck. This system makes us competitive and able to meet future challenges."
Dr. h. c. mult. Sybill Storz

"More than seven decades ago, my grandfather laid the foundations for successful company development at our Tuttlingen headquarters. In the second and third generation, we continue this development and combine our regional commitment with expansion. The experts at our company headquarters collaborate with on-site specialists to supply products for global markets. Worldwide collaboration in product development, manufacturing, and marketing is one of the reasons for our success."
Karl-Christian Storz

KARL STORZ SE & Co. KG – Tuttlingen
Dr.-Karl-Storz-Straße 34
78532 Tuttlingen